What is customer experience orchestration and how do you execute it?

You’ve achieved the digital transformation you set out to achieve, you have all the kit, the foundation and tools to execute.


For some reason it’s still proving difficult to create the ultimate joined up, end to end customer experience. If this sounds familiar, then read on; the missing component might just be the orchestration layer: the engine and brains that connect all the dots. Also known as customer journey orchestration, but more recently referred to as customer experience orchestration.

What is CX Orchestration?


In principle, it is a simple concept. In execution it is immensely complex for most organisations and some of the definitions highlighted fail to show the importance of connecting the CX to the business operation and experience of the employee.

Organisations are likely to encounter bumps in the road due to a number of factors, not limited to, but including: 

  • Disjointed customer journeys and experience.

  • Siloed customer data sitting across multiple sources

  • Centralised ‘pooled’ data that hasn’t been utilised, the infamous ‘data lake’

  • Legacy systems and platforms without a modern architecture

  • Complex data projects that are in-flight and have been for some time

  • Mis-alignment between CTOs/IT and Commercial / Marketing divisions

  • A lack of data skill sets in the business

  • Data projects that have been technically led and may have failed to consider the end user

  • A general misunderstanding of where to start

  • Lack of cross channel / departmental collaboration

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